Los pitufos de Donnie Darko
Donnie Darko. Que decir de esta película. Bien, a título personal diré que si me dijesen, que peli hubieses deseado escribir tú, diría ésta, Donnie Darko.
Para mí un peliculón, impresionante, inquietante, inteligente e increible. Para otros será una mierda, me es igual.
En mi afán de buscar un buen dialogo de esta película para el blog, me acordé de uno, el que hablan de los pitufos y la pitufina... para morirse de risa.
N.B. (nota del blogger) Smurf = Pitufo, Barrufet. Para entender mejor. Ahí va:
The ruins of a brick chimney sit in the middle of a field.
Donnie, Sean and Ronald have lined up several empty beer bottles,
cans and stuffed animals on the hearth.
They take turns blasting these targets with a BB gun.
Blam! A can falls over. Ronald hands the gun to Donnie. Sean pulls out
He hands the bottle to Ronald.
What is this shit?
He takes a big sip... which results in a dry heave.
Raspberry. That's good shit.
Donnie aims the crosshairs on Smurfette's head. He pulls trigger. Smurfette falls over.
No more fuckin' for her.
Smurfette doesn't fuck.
Bullshit. Smurfette fucks all the
other smurfs. That's why Papa Smurf
made her, 'cause the other smurfs
were getting too horny.
Not Vanity. He's a homo.
Blam! A bottle shatters.
Then she fucks 'em all while Vanity
watches. And Papa Smurf films it.
Ronald takes another sip of Night Train... followed by another dry heave. Blam! A bottle breaks.
First of all... Papa Smurf didn't
create Smurfette. Gargamel did. She
was sent in as Gargemel's evil spy,
with the intention of destroying the
smurf village. But the overwhelming
Goodness of the Smurf Way of Life
transformed her into the Smurfette
we all know and love. And as for the
whole gang-bang scenario... it just
couldn't happen. Smurfs are asexual.
They probably don't even have
reproductive organs down there under
those little white pants. The only
reason they exist is because of magic
spells and witchcraft... which is
all a bunch of bullshit if you ask
That's what's so illogical about the
smurfs... what's the point of living
if you don't have a dick?
Donnie aims the gun... pulls the trigger. Blam! A bottle breaks.
Dammit, Donnie! Why do you always
gotta get all smart on us!