Pulp Fiction. Ezequiel 25:17
Tarantino demuestra, otra vez, que en el tema de entretener con las palabras, es único, y sino, leer como Jules (Samuel L Jackson) aniquila a un pringado en la película Pulp Fiction.
There's a passage I got memorized,seems appropriate for this situation:Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of therighteous man is beset on all sidesby the inequities of the selfish andthe tyranny of evil men. Blessed ishe who, in the name of charity andgood will, shepherds the weak throughthe valley of darkness, for he istruly his brother's keeper and thefinder of lost children. And I willstrike down upon thee with greatvengeance and furious anger thosewho attempt to poison and destroy mybrothers. And you will know my nameis the Lord when I lay my vengeanceupon you."
There's a passage I got memorized,seems appropriate for this situation:Ezekiel 25:17. "The path of therighteous man is beset on all sidesby the inequities of the selfish andthe tyranny of evil men. Blessed ishe who, in the name of charity andgood will, shepherds the weak throughthe valley of darkness, for he istruly his brother's keeper and thefinder of lost children. And I willstrike down upon thee with greatvengeance and furious anger thosewho attempt to poison and destroy mybrothers. And you will know my nameis the Lord when I lay my vengeanceupon you."
The two men EMPTY their guns at the same time on the sitting Brett.